Preface: Well, E3 has come and gone, and while I had surprisingly little interest in it, I have to say something about it. Here's what I can remember:
- Ooh, Ooblets has dance battles instead of normal combat! How cute!
- The new Super Smash Bros. game has every previous character? Neat.
- Ridley is showing up too? I really hope they give him the goofy voice Diabeetus does for him.
Oh, and I know it's a bit late, but I want to do a joke about
Detroit: Become Human and it's incredibly ham-handed handling of African American Civil Rights Movement symbols. Sing along to the tune of
Centerfold, originally by the J. Geils Band, as sung by Captain Jack:
"Ayy-yo! Cap'n Jack!" |
My blood runs cold! My history has just been sold!
Hammer in the metaphor! Hammer in the metaphor!
My blood runs cold! My history has just been sold
*dooo doo do-do do do*
Hammer in the metaphor!
That was very dumb, and I'm sorry. But when I first thought of that joke watching a review for The Smurfs movie, I had to throw it out there eventually. On to the actual preview.
Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else, I've never really told anyone this, and I have no idea what kind of people you are,
but I have a confession. You see, I'm not a merperson, I'm not an artist.
*Try Everything by Shakira starts playing*
A bit of a furry.
Hey, c'mon. It's not that terrible. I'm not into harassing woman or slinging around homophobic/transphobic jokes on Twitter. |
Why'd I wait till now to admit that I'd probably be a red rabbit? Partially it's because I have the art skills of your average elementary school kid, and most furries seem to have some really good art skills. Partially because I learned
my cousin is also one and even makes fursuits, so I felt like I had someone in the community I could relate to. Either way, it's a opportune time to mention my furriness since I'm previewing what will likely be seen as a furry game today. It's the demo for
Bobby Schroeder's Super Lesbian Animal RPG!
Somewhere in the world, this game and it's title is making a jerkass spew bile all over his computer. |